
Health Topics

Kitten Nutrition

We recommend diets that are completely balanced for each lifestage and are highly digestible, and that have been shown to be nutritionally sound by proper feeding trials.

While your kitten is growing, increased levels of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals are required in the diet.

The nutritional needs of your kitten are different from the needs of other animals. This is based on the fact that they are obligated carnivores (they must eat meat).

  • Kittens have a very high demand for protein to be used for energy. They require the essential amino acid Taurine which is only found in animal protein.
  • Kittens are able to tolerate very high levels of fat in their diets. They require the essential fatty acids, linoleic acid and arachidonic acid which are also only found in animal fat.
  • Carbohydrates are not essential but they can be used for energy.
  • They have unique vitamin requirements. They need high levels of Beta Vitamin Thiamine, Vitamin B6, Niacin and Vitamin A (only found in animal tissues).

Table food and milk are not recommended. If the kitten is on a good quality food, no vitamin or mineral supplementation is required. In fact, supplementation in the absence of need may actually be detrimental to your kitten. Fresh water should be available at all times. Please consult your veterinarian before adding anything to your kitten's diet. Whenever you switch from one food to another, remember to do it gradually, by mixing the new food in with the old for up to two weeks. This will help to prevent stomach or intestinal upset.